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  • Shield Mutual Fund

    Investing in medium- and long-term financial instruments to achieve the highest possible investment returns through portfolio diversification and the fund’s investments in local and international stocks, bonds, and investment certificates. The fund manager follows an investment policy that aims to achieve the highest possible capital appreciation through diversified investments in local and foreign currencies to reduce risk.

    Fund’s Features:
  • A suitable vehicle to diversify long-term investments
  • An investment tool suitable for individuals with a long-term investment strategy
  • No maximum investment limit
  • Available to individual and institutional investors
  • Available to Egyptian and foreign investors
  • Provides cash liquidity to investors with partial or full redemption of their investments in the fund on a daily basis

Performance update

Fund information

EquityType: Equity
ShieldLaunch date: 04 Feb, 1998
MisrbankCustody: Misrbank
CatalystAdministrator: Catalyst
ShieldMin certificates: 5
EGPCurrency: EGP
ShieldSubscribtion freq: Daily
ShieldSubscribtion fee: Free
ShieldRedemption freq: Daily
ShieldRedemption fee: 0.75%
ShieldReceiving entites: AAIB

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